5110 results
Focus Assessed Transthoracic Echo (FATE) - Basic FATE views

Pos 1: Subcostal 4-chamber

Pos 2: Apical 4-chamber

Pos 3:
Focus Assessed Transthoracic ... -chamber Pos 2: ... Echocardiogram #POCUS
Blood Pressure Management for Neurologic Emergencies
 - SAH 
 - ICH 
 - TBI 
Management for Neurologic ... #CVA #Stroke #Neurology
Types of Brain Herniation
1) Uncal Transtentorial
2) Central Transtentorial
3) Subfalcine
4) Transcalvarial
5) Ascending Transtentorial
6) Tonsilar

#Brain #Herniation #Types #Classification
Transtentorial 2) ... Classification #diagnosis #neurology
Neurologic Disorders and Associated Nutritional Deficiences That Complicate Bariatric Surgery, According to Time of Onset 

Neurologic Disorders ... #Nutritional #Neurology
Stroke Volume & Cardiac Output Measurement on POCUS
Accurately measure LVOT diameter:
1. Obtain PLAX 
2. Zoom to
Measurement on POCUS ... Obtain PLAX 2. ... x π (LVOT Diam/2) ... 2 - Dr. ... #Measurement #POCUS
"Normal Kidney" by Renalfellow.org

#Pocus #nephrology #kidney #ultrasound #diagnosis #management #clinical
Renalfellow.org #Pocus ... #nephrology #kidney
Peripheral Nervous System Disorders

1 Anterior Horn Cell
2 Spinal Roots and Nerves 
3 Peripheral Nerve—Mono-neuropathy  
Anterior Horn Cell 2 ... Nerve #Neuropathy #Neurology
Uremic Asterixis on Physical Exam

Dr. Arvind Canchi @arvindcanchi

#Uremia #Asterixis #PhysicalExam #clinical #video #neurology #nephrology
clinical #video #neurology ... #nephrology
Motor and Reflex Grading (0-5)

Motor Strength Grading

5	Normal

4	Reduced, moves against resistance

3	Moves against gravity

2	Moves only with elimination of
against gravity 2 ... 3 Increased 2 ... Grades #Diagnosis #Neurology
SNOOP mnemonic may catch potentially life-threatening headaches
Systemic signs and disorders
Neurologic symptoms
Onset new or changed & patient
and disorders Neurologic ... redflag #dangerous #neurology