85 results
Peripheral blood eosinophils, Phase contrast microscopy, time lapse, 100x |Olympus CH30|

Carlos Martínez Figueroa @CarlosMartnezF7

#eosinophils #Peripheral #blood
Phase contrast microscopy ... smear #clinical #microscopy ... #hematology #timelapse
Peripheral blood neutrophil, phase contrast microscopy, time lapse, 100x. Olympus CH30

Carlos Martínez Figueroa @CarlosMartnezF7

#neutrophil #Peripheral #blood
phase contrast microscopy ... smear #clinical #microscopy ... #hematology #timelapse
A non-subtle example of true Sezary syndrome.  Patient presented with erythroderma without antecedent history of
of true Sezary syndrome ... mjcascio #Sezary #Syndrome ... Pathology #Smear #Microscopy ... #Hematology
Eosinophils swarming a nematode on Microscopy - Time Lapse

#Eosinophils #nematode #clinical #video #Microscopy #microbiology #TimeLapse
a nematode on Microscopy ... nematode #clinical #video ... #Microscopy #microbiology
Sickle cell anemia and Howell Jolly bodies (nuclear remnants).

 - Dr. Abubaker Elshaikh

#SickleCell #HowellJolly #Body #Bodies
Bodies #Pathology #Hematology ... Smear #Clinical #Microscopy
P. falciparum ring forms on a thin smear

 - Dr. Christina Dean

#Plasmodium #falciparum #Rings #Smear #Hematology
#Rings #Smear #Hematology ... #Microscopy #Clinical
2021 ACR/VF Guidelines for Management of Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis (GPA) and Microscopic Polyangiitis (MPA)

#Granulomatosis #Polyangiitis #GPA
Polyangiitis (GPA) and Microscopic ... Polyangiitis #GPA #Microscopic ... ACR2021 #Management #rheumatology
Filariform larvae of Strongyloides strongylodiasis on sputum microscopy
BMT patient with abd pain and rash. Treated with
strongylodiasis on sputum microscopy ... Video of sputum ... strongylodiasis #sputum #microscopy
Summary of characteristic abnormalities of selected glomerular diseases
Light Microscopy (LM) - Immunofluorescence Microscopy (IM) - Electron
diseases Light Microscopy ... Immunofluorescence Microscopy ... IM) - Electron Microscopy ... Haemolytic-uraemic syndrome ... Nephrotic syndrome
Leukoerythroblastosis and myelophthisic anemia can be associated with any marrow-replacing process. In this case, the likely
Leukoerythroblastosis #Hematology ... Pathology #Smear #Microscopy