2759 results
SJMH AFib Discharge Algorithm

Source Article: Implementation of a Novel Algorithm to Decrease Unnecessary Hospitalizations in Patients
SJMH AFib Discharge ... doi/full/10.1111/acem ... .13383 #AFib #
Atrial Fibrillation and WPW - Pre-Excitation AFib
In pre-excitation + a-fib with RVR:
 • All AV nodal
Pre-Excitation AFib ... pre-excitation + a-fib ... at bedside • Cardiology ... #Fibrillation #AFib ... electrocardiogram #cardiology
Algorithm to decrease AFib admissions - Visual Abstract by hellomynameisDrKirsty

Source: Implementation of a Novel Algorithm to
Algorithm to decrease AFib ... doi/full/10.1111/acem ... .13383 #AFib #
Wolff Parkinson White + AFib #Clinical #Cardiology #MedStudent #EKG #WPW #WolffParkinsonWhite #AFib #ECGEducator
Parkinson White + AFib ... #Clinical #Cardiology ... WolffParkinsonWhite #AFib
Brugada Syndrome - Adam Rosh @RoshReview
#Diagnosis #Cardiology #ECG #EKG #Brugada #Syndrome #Type1 #Type2
Brugada Syndrome - Adam ... RoshReview #Diagnosis #Cardiology
ECG Basics - Atrial Rhythms #Cardiology #MedStudent #EKG #Atrial #SVT #Comparison #Table #AFib #AFlutter #MAT #WAP
Atrial Rhythms #Cardiology ... Comparison #Table #AFib
If you take care of #AFib patients watch this AMAZING video captured during coronary bypass surgery.
take care of #AFib ... Clinical #Video #Cardiology ... #Fibrillation #AFib
Algorithm for the management of atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular response

- Dr. Tom Fadial @thame 

#fibrillation #AFib ... Rapid #Emergency #Cardiology
Atrial Fibrillation - Rate Control and Rhythm Control - Management

Infographic by Dr. Pouria Rezapour @prezapour 

#Fibrillation #AFib ... Cardioversion #Emergency #Cardiology
Intra-arrest Echo showing V-Fib at rhythm check!

Sam Ghali, M.D. @ https://twitter.com/EM_RESUS

#VFib #VentricularFibrillation #POCUS #Echocardiogram #Ultrasound #Clinical
Echo showing V-Fib ... twitter.com/EM_RESUS #VFib