1610 results
Endoscopy in Barrett's Esophagus - Scoping Summary
- What we need to know?
   • Risk
Follow-up • ACG
First-line therapies for Asthma, Asthma-COPD Overlap and COPD

The diagnosis of COPD, asthma, and ACO initially requires
COPD, asthma, and ACO ... ACO = asthma-COPD
Consensus diagnostic criteria for asthma-COPD overlap syndrome (ACOS) in patients with airflow limitation. COPD=chronic obstructive pulmonary
overlap syndrome (ACOS ... Diagnosis #PCC #IM #ACOS
Tachycardia - Wide vs Narrow Complex, Regular vs Irregular rhythm table

#Diagnosis #Cardiology #EKG #ECG #WideComplex #Narrow
Irregular rhythm table ... Cardiology #EKG #ECG ... Tachycardia #Irregular #Table
ECG findings - Brugada Syndrome - 3 Types 

#Diagnosis #Cardiology #ECG #EKG #Brugada #Syndrome #Table #Types
ECG findings - Brugada ... Diagnosis #Cardiology #ECG ... Brugada #Syndrome #Table
Vasopressors Table 
Rough properties by Target Receptor, Heart Rate/Inotropy, Systemic Vascular Resistance, Cardiac Output, Blood Pressure,
Vasopressors Table ... Dobutamine 2-20 mcg ... Isoproterenol 2-10 mcg ... Epinephrine 0-20 mcg ... Vasopressors #Properties #Table
ECG Manifestations of Electrolyte Imbalance
#Diagnosis #ECG #EKG #Electrolyte #Imbalances #Abnormalities #Table #ALiEM
ECG Manifestations ... Imbalance #Diagnosis #ECG ... Abnormalities #Table
ECG Basics - Ventricular Rhythms #Cardiology #MedStudent #EKG #Ventricular #VentricularRhythms #Comparison #Table #VTach #VFib #ECGEducator
ECG Basics - Ventricular ... VentricularRhythms #Comparison #Table

#Diagnosis #Toxicology #EKG #ECG #Toxidromes #Toxicities #Changes #Table
Toxicology #EKG #ECG ... Toxicities #Changes #Table
Criteria for LBBB and RBBB #Diagnosis #Cardiology #EKG #ECG #RBBB #LBBB #Table #Criteria
Cardiology #EKG #ECG ... #RBBB #LBBB #Table