387 results
Esophageal Perforation on Endoscopy
Male 68yo hepatopathy & ACO.  UpperGI bleeding & sengstaken tube. What’s your
hepatopathy & ACO ... EGD #clinical #gastroenterology
Typical medications used in the acute phase include nifedipine, labetalol, and hydralazine, with ACOG suggesting that
hydralazine, with ACOG
Consensus diagnostic criteria for asthma-COPD overlap syndrome (ACOS) in patients with airflow limitation. COPD=chronic obstructive pulmonary
overlap syndrome (ACOS ... Diagnosis #PCC #IM #ACOS
Endoscopy in Barrett's Esophagus - Scoping Summary
- What we need to know?
   • Risk
Follow-up • ACG
First-line therapies for Asthma, Asthma-COPD Overlap and COPD

The diagnosis of COPD, asthma, and ACO initially requires
COPD, asthma, and ACO ... ACO = asthma-COPD
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) in Pregnancy
 - Pathophysiology
 - Pharmacotherapy
 - Nonpharmacological Treatment

Emory Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Treatment Emory Gastroenterology ... Pregnancy #diagnosis #gastroenterology
Dyspepsia Evaluation Algorithm

#Dyspepsia #diagnosis #Algorithm #evaluation #gastroenterology #epigastric
Algorithm #evaluation #gastroenterology
An Algorithm for the Differential Diagnosis of Hyperammonemia

#Hyperammonemia #differential #diagnosis #causes #Algorithm #Gastroenterology
causes #Algorithm #Gastroenterology
Gastric Polyp Diagnosis and Management Algorithm

#Gastric #Polyp #Diagnosis #Management #Algorithm #gastroenterology
Management #Algorithm #gastroenterology
Jaundice Differential Diagnosis: A short guide

By Dr. Khudhur Mohammed @khudhur_moh

#jaundice #gastroenterology #algorithm #differential #diagnosis #hyperbilirubinemia #bilirubin
#jaundice #gastroenterology