262 results
Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD): cystic genetic disorder of kidneys, 2 types ADPKD & ARPKD - Temple
kidneys, 2 types ADPKD ... & ARPKD - Temple ... Clinical #POCUS #PKD #PCKD
Autosomal dominant PCKD with liver involvement on Renal Ultrasound
Multiple anechoic cysts seen in the kidney and
Autosomal dominant PCKD ... RJonesSonoEM #ADPKD ... #ADPCKD #Renal
Polycystic Kidney Disease - Clinical Signs and Symptoms

#ADPKD #Polycystic #Kidney #Disease #Signs #Symptoms #Diagnosis
and Symptoms #ADPKD
Bilateral enlarged #kidney in a patient with #polycystic kidney disease

#PhysicalExam #clinical #video #PKD #ADPKD #nephrology
clinical #video #PKD #ADPKD
Algorithm for diagnostic evaluation of patients with kidney cysts and polycystic kidney disease

#polycystic #kidney #disease #cysts
Algorithm #diagnosis #ADPKD
Pancreatic Pathology Review Cheatsheet
Congenital: Divisum, Common Channel, Annular
Neoplastic/Cystic: Serous Cystadenoma, Mucinous Serous Neoplasm, Solid and Pseudopap
Hippel Lindau, ADPKD
Hematuria in Post-Renal Transplant Patient
Prevalence up to 12% in the postrenal transplant patient
 • Bacterial: Escherichia
Nephrolithiasis, ADPKD
Corrigan's Pulse in Severe Aortic Regurgitation

65 yr old male with ADPKD and severe AR

#Corrigans #Pulse #Aortic
old male with ADPKD
Current guidelines for outpatient treatment of Community Acquired Pnemonia (CAP)

#Management #Outpatient #CAP #Community #Acquired #Pneumonia #Antibiotics
treatment of Community Acquired ... CAP #Community #Acquired
Community Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) Algorithm - Matthew Watto MD @DoctorWatto

#Management #CAP #Community #Acquired #Pneumonia #Algorithm #Curbsiders
Community Acquired ... CAP #Community #Acquired