3 results
Subacromial Impingement - Neer Test 1. With the arm fully pronated, the examiner raises the arm
, the examiner raises ... motion #Diagnosis #Ortho ... #Sports #Subacromial ... #Impingement #RotatorCuff ... #Neer #Test #ALiEM
Ely's Test for Rectus Femoris Tightness

Patient lies prone on the table. The examiner flexes the leg
lies prone on the table ... buttock, if the hip ... raises off of the ... table, or with ... #orthopedics #sports
Ely's Test for Rectus Femoris Tightness

Patient lies prone on the table. The examiner flexes the leg
lies prone on the table ... buttock, if the hip ... raises off of the ... table, or with ... #orthopedics #sports