3 results
Pericardial Tamponade
Beck's Triad 
1. Hypotension 
2. Jugular venous distension 
3. Muffled heart sounds 
Patient will be
Jugular venous distension ... heart sounds, JVD ... #Pericardial #Cardiac ... #Triad #Diagnosis ... #Cardiology
Giant A waves caused by pulmonary HTN. There are two clearly discernible descents (X and Y)
found to have elevated ... you see in the venous ... the underlying diagnosis ... #Neck #PhysicalExam ... Clinical #Video #Cardiology
Abnormal Jugular Venous Pressure Waveforms - Differential Diagnosis
 - Absent a wave - Atrial fibrillation, sinus
Abnormal Jugular Venous ... Absent y descent - Cardiac ... Jugular #Waveforms #JVP ... #PhysicalExam # ... cardiology