68 results
Summary table of mechanism of action, side effect and contraindications of commonly used drugs for tuberculosis.
Summary table of ... medical diagrams, tables ... #medications #table ... #management #overview
Common Elbow Trama - Overview
#Management #Ortho #Common #Elbow #Trauma #Table #Overview
Elbow Trama - Overview ... Elbow #Trauma #Table ... #Overview
Summary of characteristics of Platelet Aggregation Inhibitors

#AntiPlatelet #Inhibitors #Pharmacology #Table #Overview #Interactions #Pharmacology #Cardiology
#Pharmacology #Table ... #Overview #Interactions
Summary table of mechanism of action, side effect and contraindications of commonly used diabetic drugs. 

Summary table of ... #medications #overview
Summary of characteristics of Antianginal Drugs


#Antianginal #Medications #Cardiology
Management #Therapy #Table ... #Overview
Statins intensity, drug interactions, timing of administration and missed doses.

An overview of high, moderate and low
An overview of high ... #pharmacology #overview ... comparison #drugs #table
Primary Hyperoxaluria - Diagnosis and Management Overview

Matthew Ho, MD PhD @MatthewHoMD

#Primary #Hyperoxaluria #Types #classification #diagnosis #management
and Management Overview ... diagnosis #management #table
Brief Overview of Treatment Agents for COVID-19 - Version 2.01 4/11/2020

#Drugs #Medications #Treatment #COVID19 #Pharmacology #Table
Brief Overview of ... #Pharmacology #Table
Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) - Common Patterns on Urinalysis
 - Prerenal
 - ATN
 - AIN
- Prerenal - ATN ... Urinalysis #diagnosis #table
Mediastinal masses are discussed in more detail in Mediastinal masses.
Here is just a brief overview. #Diagnosis
is just a brief overview ... #Differential #Table