119 results
Embolized Amplatzer Vascular Plug (AVP) Retrieval in the Cath Lab

- Dr. Ignacio Cruz Gonzalez @icruzgonzalez

#Amplatzer #Vascular
Vascular Plug (AVP ... Vascular #Plug #AVP ... cardiology #clinical #fluoroscopy
Pulmonary Arteriovenous Malformation (AVM) Closure on Fluoroscopy

Closing the pulmonary AVM - AVP II device.
AVM in Hereditary
AVM) Closure on Fluoroscopy ... pulmonary AVM - AVP ... cardiology #cathlab #Fluoroscopy
Barium Swallow on Video-fluoroscopic Swallowing Study (VFSS)

#Barium #Swallow #Video #fluoroscopic #Swallowing #Study #VFSS #fluoroscopy #clinical
Swallow on Video-fluoroscopic ... Swallow #Video #fluoroscopic ... #Study #VFSS #fluoroscopy
Mechanical Valve Dehiscence - Leaflet Malfunction on Fluoroscopy

Dr Gopalan Rajesh @DrRajeshG1

#Mechanical #Valve #Dehiscence #Leaflet #Malfunction #clinical
Malfunction on Fluoroscopy ... clinical #cardiology #Fluoroscopy
Ventricular Aneurysm on Fluoroscopy

ALAA GABI, MD, FACC, RPVI @alaa_gabi

#Ventricular #LV #Aneurysm #Fluoroscopy #Clinical #CathLab #Cardiology #Angiography
Ventricular Aneurysm on Fluoroscopy ... #LV #Aneurysm #Fluoroscopy
Ventricular Fibrillation caught during Fluoroscopy

Have you seen heart fibrillating due to VF during CAG?! Thanks to
caught during Fluoroscopy ... Angiogram #clinical #Fluoroscopy
Avoidant Personality Disorder (AVPD): Pathogenesis and Clinical Findings
 • Restraint - Shows excessive restraint in intimate
Personality Disorder (AVPD ... inferior to others AVPD ... or inferior #AVPD
Coronary Artery Pseudoaneurysm and Fistula to Coronary Sinus

#Coronary #Pseudoaneurysm #Fistula #clinical #cardiology #cathlab #fluoroscopy #angiography
cardiology #cathlab #fluoroscopy
Left Ventricular Diverticulum on Ventriculogram

Dr. Tony Main @TonyMain6

#Ventricular #Diverticulum #Ventriculogram #clinical #cardiology #fluoroscopy #cathlab #angiography #crypt
clinical #cardiology #fluoroscopy
Tracheoesophageal fistula on contrast esophagram - H Type fistula.

Nikita Saladi @nusaladi

#Tracheoesophageal #fistula #contrast #esophagram #clinical #fluoroscopy
esophagram #clinical #fluoroscopy