97 results
Coronary Artery Thrombus Riding a Bifurcation

- Dr. Stephan Achenbach @Steph_Achenbach

#Thrombus #Bifurcation #Coronary #cathlab #clinical #cardiology #angiography
Stephan Achenbach ... Bifurcation #Coronary #cathlab ... #angiography #cathlab
Stanford Type B Dissection on Aortogram

Dr. Stephan Achenbach @Steph_Achenbach

#Stanford #TypeB #Dissection #Aortogram #cathlab #clinical #angiogram #cardiology
Stephan Achenbach ... Dissection #Aortogram #cathlab
Mechanical Valve Thrombosis on Fluoroscopy - Before and After tPA Thrombolysis

Dr. Stephan Achenbach @Steph_Achenbach

#Mechanical #Valve #Thrombosis
Stephan Achenbach ... clinical #cardiology #cathlab
Pulmonary Embolism on Pulmonary Angiography
Note the fibrillation of the thrombus riding the central bifurcation.

Dr. Stephan Achenbach
Stephan Achenbach ... Angiogram #clinical #cathlab
How similar is coronary anatomy of identical twins? Here is the coronary angiography in identical twin
Stephan Achenbach ... clinical #cardiology #cathlab
Myocardial crypts in left ventriculogram. 

Harmless. Common in the normal population, more frequent in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
Stephan Achenbach ... ventricular #LVgram #cathlab
Aortic Valve Prosthesis Paravalvular Leak 

Severe aortic regurgitation due to paravalvular leak of a partially dehiscent
Stephan Achenbach ... #fluoroscopy #cathlab
Kugel's collateral (or Kugel's Artery): 
Collateral through interatrial septum from RCA sinus node branch to distal
Stephan Achenbach ... angiogram #coronary #cathlab
Starr-Edwards Mechanical Valve in Cardiac CTA

Dr. Stephan Achenbach @Steph_Achenbach

#StarrEdwards #Mechanical #Valve #CardiacCTA #clinical #cardiology #Radiology
Stephan Achenbach
Coronary Artery Anatomy on Angiogram - Angiographic projection made simple

Dr. Kazi Ferdous @fazalabul

#CoronaryArtery #Anatomy #Angiogram #Angiographic
Angiographic #projection #cathlab