58 results
Randomized Clinical Trial of IV Acetaminophen as an Analgesic Adjunct for Older Adults with Acute Severe
as an Analgesic Adjunct ... acetaminophen as an adjunct ... Acetaminophen #Adjunct
IDSA 2017 CDiff Guidelines - Table 7. Potential Treatment Agents for Treatment of the Primary Clostridium difficile
CDifficile #IDSA2017 #Adjunct
Anaphylaxis: Treatments (Acute)
Additional Info:
 • IV steroids may be considered for prevention of late phase reactions.
Antihistamine (adjunct ... • Salbutamol (adjunct
Adjunct Therapies to Consider in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome 

#management #criticalcare #pulmonary #covid19
Adjunct Therapies
Simplified Airway Management Algorithm
Admittedly sacrificing some detail, this simplified airway management algorithm highlights the critical steps,
commonly-used airway adjuncts
Ruling out Pulmonary Embolism - ADJUST-PE, PE in Pregnancy, and the PERC rule

- DenverEM

#Pulmonary #Embolism #VisualAbstract
Pulmonary Embolism - ADJUST-PE
Approach to Suspected Meningitis - Empiric Management Algorithm

 • Alarm Symptoms (FAILS)
 • Empiric Antibiotics
Lumbar Puncture • Adjust
Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 Inpatient Medication Guide

Classes: Biguanide, Sulfonylurea, TZD, DPP-4 inhibitor, GLP-1 receptor agonist, SGLT2i,
of insulin and adjust ... completely • Adjust
An Algorithm for the Management of Seizures

The management of active seizures is algorithmic, starting with a
nasopharyngeal airway adjuncts
Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP) for the Non-Neonatologist
 - Mask Adjust
 - Reposition Airway
 - Suction
SOPA: - Mask Adjust