210 results
Luftsichel Sign in Left Upper Lobe Collapse - Chest X-Ray

An upper lobe collapse causes the collapse
Left Upper Lobe Collapse ... - Chest X-Ray ... An upper lobe collapse ... causes the collapse ... clinical #radiology #Chest
#Clinical #Radiology #CXR #CTChest #Longstanding #Sarcoidosis #Fibrosis #Conglomerate #Nodules #RadiologyAssistant
Radiology #CXR #CTChest ... Conglomerate #Nodules #RadiologyAssistant
Lobar pneumonia
On the chest x-ray there is an ill-defined area of increased density in the right
pneumonia On the chest ... Radiology #CXR #AirBronchogram ... Lobar #Pneumonia #RadiologyAssistant
Pneumonia on Chest Xray and POCUS

Extensive pneumonia in lower left lobe (red arrow). 
POCUS: Dynamic air
Pneumonia on Chest ... Pneumonia #Dynamic #AirBronchogram
Chest XRay Consolidation Pattern - Differential Algorithm #Diagnosis #Radiology #Pulmonary #CXR #Consolidation #Pattern #Differential #Algorithm #RadiologyAssistant
Chest XRay Consolidation ... Differential #Algorithm #RadiologyAssistant
Chest XRay Interstitial Pattern - Differential Algorithm #Diagnosis #Radiology #Pulmonary #CXR #Interstitial #Pattern #Differential #Algorithm #RadiologyAssistant
Chest XRay Interstitial ... Differential #Algorithm #RadiologyAssistant
On the left we see a chest film with a typical finger-in-glove shadow.
The HRCT shows focal
left we see a chest ... Radiology #CXR #CTChest ... FingerInGlove #Sign #RadiologyAssistant
Chest XRay Nodule / Mass Pattern - Differential Algorithm #Diagnosis #Radiology #Pulmonary #CXR #Nodule #Mass #Pattern
Chest XRay Nodule ... Differential #Algorithm #RadiologyAssistant
Chest XRay Atelectasis Pattern - Differential Algorithm #Diagnosis #Radiology #Pulmonary #CXR #Atelectasis #Pattern #Differential #Algorithm #RadiologyAssistant
Chest XRay Atelectasis ... Differential #Algorithm #RadiologyAssistant
On the left three different patients with lung cysts.
From left to right: Lymphangiomyomatosis, LIP and Langerhans
Diagnosis #Radiology #CTChest ... Histiocytosis #RadiologyAssistant