261 results
A Pediculus humanus (louse) nymph. 
Specimen was alive and in the video you can actually see
Specimen was alive ... Pediculus #humanus #lice
Arterial Line (A-Line) Supply Checklist 

by Dr. Lizzy Hastie @LizzyHastie

#ArterialLine #ALine #Supply #Checklist #supplies #management
Arterial Line (A-Line ... #ArterialLine #ALine
Alice in Wonderland Syndrome
What? Metamorphophsia - Distortions of the visual perceptions with changes in size (micro
Alice in Wonderland ... @neudrawlogy #Alice
Suspected sepsis: Summary of NICE guidlelines #Diagnosis #Management #EM #IM #PrimaryCare #Sepsis #NICE #Monitoring #BMJ
Suspected sepsis: Summary ... of NICE guidlelines ... PrimaryCare #Sepsis #NICE
Management of type 2 diabetes in adults: summary of updated NICE guidance
#diabetes #type2 #DM2 #management #NICE
diabetes in adults: summary ... of updated NICE ... DM2 #management #NICE
Abnormalities of the Arterial Pulse and Pressure Waves.
 - Small, Weak Pulses 
 - Large, Boundlng
#Arterial #Line ... Pressure #Waveforms #ALine
Pruritus - Primary Skin Lesion - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
Macules / Papules / Plaques:
 • Xerosis (dry
Infestations (scabies, lice
Assessment and management of cirrhosis in people older than 16 years: summary of NICE guidance
#cirrhosis #assessment
than 16 years: summary ... of NICE guidance ... management #hepatitis #NICE
Summary of commonly used antibiotics based on NICE antimicrobial prescription guidelines. Visit gramproject.com for more medical
Summary of commonly ... antibiotics based on NICE ... #antibiotics #NICE
This is what the intimal flap of an Aortic Dissection looks like on Ultrasound. Be able
Dissection looks like ... you will save a life ... EM_RESUS #Clinical #POCUS