2015 results
CDC Recommended Laboratory HIV Testing Algorithm for Serum or Plasma Specimens

#HIV #Algorithm #Screening #Testing #HIVAIDS #Diagnosis
Screening #Testing #HIVAIDS
Figure 1: Time Course of HIV Detection following Infection

#Diagnosis #InfectiousDiseases #HIVAIDS #Testing #Windows #Screening #Antibody #Detection
InfectiousDiseases #HIVAIDS
Opportunistic Infections in HIV/AIDS: Syndromic Approach

WuidQ: Washington University ID Questions @WuidQ

#Opportunistic #Infections #OIs #HIVAIDS #Differential #Diagnosis
Infections #OIs #HIVAIDS
Syndromic Approach to Opportunistic Infections in HIV/AIDS: 

WuidQ: Washington University ID Questions @WuidQ

#Opportunistic #Infections #OIs #HIVAIDS
Infections #OIs #HIVAIDS
Overview of the Complement System - Classical and Alternative Pathways

by Dr.Grace Leo @gracie_leo

#Complement #System #Classical #Alternative
Classical and Alternative ... System #Classical #Alternative
Oppenheim's Sign on Physical Exam

There are some alternative maneuvers to search for the classic Babinski sign,
There are some alternative ... clinical #video #physicalexam
Oral Cavity Lesions in a patient with HIV/AIDS
White plaque
 - Pseudo-membranous candidiasis
 - Oral hairy leukoplakia
Cavity #Lesions #HIVAIDS
Complement Pathways
- Classical Pathway
- Lectin Pathway
- Alternative Pathway

#Complement #Pathway #hematology #pathophysiology
Lectin Pathway - Alternative
Flail Chest- Check out the paradoxical chest wall movement 
Typical management: opiates for analgesia, intubation due
+ chest tube Alternative ... Video #Clinical #PhysicalExam
Milkmaid’s Grip of Chorea on Physical Exam
Milk maids grip is appreciated as an alternating squeezing and
appreciated as an alternating ... #Chorea #sign #PhysicalExam