50 results
Drugs Related to DRESS Syndrome / DIHS 

The cases that were more consistent with DRESS/DIHS were
caused by aromatic anticonvulsants ... The aromatic anticonvulsant ... However, newer anticonvulsant ... Non-aromatic anticonvulsant ... Syndrome #DIHS #DrugInduced
Stevens Johnson Syndrome and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis - Causative Medications 
and Level of Suspicion 

High Risk:
sulfasalazine Anticonvulsants ... #Medications #DrugInduced
DRESS-associated drugs

DRESS syndrome can be life threatening and it has a documented mortality rate of about
association with anticonvulsants ... Syndrome #DIHS #DrugInduced
Therapeutic Indications for the Anticonvulsant Agents

#Anticonvulsant #Antiseizure #Medications #Pharmacology #Table #Neurology #Epilepsy #Management
Indications for the Anticonvulsant ... Agents #Anticonvulsant
Drug-Induced Acute Kidney Injury - Sites of Action Along the Nephron

#DrugInduced #AcuteKidneyInjury #AKI #Nephrology #Pathophysiology #Pharmacology
the Nephron #DrugInduced
Drugs Commonly Implicated as Triggers of Drug Induced Thrombocytopenia
#Diagnosis #Hematology #Thrombocytopenia #Differential #DrugInduced #Medications
#Differential #DrugInduced
Drugs and Classes Associated with DILI and Type of Liver Injury

#Medications #Differential #DrugInduced #LiverInjury #Hepatology #Pharmacology
#Differential #DrugInduced
Causes of Drug-Induced Cardiomyopathies

#DrugInduced #Medications #Cardiomyopathy #Cardiomyopathies #Differential #Causes #Cardiology #Pharmacology
Cardiomyopathies #DrugInduced
Medications that cause Hyponatremia

#Diagnosis #Pharmacology #Hyponatremia #Medications #DrugInduced #List #Differential
#Medications #DrugInduced
Drug-Induced Liver Injury - Pathophysiology

BWH Medicine Chiefs @BrighamChiefs

#DILI #DrugInduced #Liver #Injury #Pathophysiology #hepatology
BrighamChiefs #DILI #DrugInduced