7 results
Aortic root aneurysm seen during open heart surgery

Dr. Kazi Ferdous @fazalabul

#AorticRoot #Aneurysm #Aorta #Clinical #Video #OpenHeart
@fazalabul #AorticRoot ... Clinical #Video #OpenHeart
This is ATRIAL FIBRILLATION. Fibrillating right atria and rapid ventricular response.
Pulmonary vein isolation was performed and
BobbyYanagawa #AtrialFibrillation ... #Video #Heart #OpenHeart
If you take care of #AFib patients watch this AMAZING video captured during coronary bypass surgery.
Clinical #Video #Cardiology ... thoracic #surgery #openheart
Atrial Fibrillation Compared to Normal Conduction

Useful graphic for explaining to patients their atrial fibrillation diagnosis.

#AtrialFibrillation #AFib
#AtrialFibrillation ... #PatientInfo #Cardiology
Cardioversion of patient’s with hemodynamically stable AF.
**Remember unstable patients should be immediately cardioverted**
#Managment #Cardiology #AFib #AtrialFibrillation
* #Managment #Cardiology ... #AFib #AtrialFibrillation
Pericardial Waffle Procedure in Constrictive Pericarditis
Pericardial waffle procedure was performed to relieve a thick and constricted
clinical #video #openheart ... #cardiology
Dual Antithrombotic Therapy with Dabigatran after PCI in Atrial Fibrillation (RE-DUAL PCI trial) - Shown is
Panel A) #EBM #Cardiology ... TripleTherapy #PCI #AtrialFibrillation