7212 results
Atopy and Antiallergy Therapy

#Atopy #Antiallergy #Therapy #Pathophysiology #Allergy #Omalizumab
Atopy and Antiallergy ... Therapy #Atopy
NAACP mnemonic for the major causes of Eosinophilia 
N = Neoplasia (CML, Hodgkins lymphoma) 
A =
A = Allergy / Atopy
The infant with tachypnea or wheeze - Clinical Conditions to Consider
 - Bronchiolitis 
 - Pneumonia
tachypnea or wheeze - Clinical ... history of allergy/atopy
Post-abortion Hemorrhage Management Algorithm
Cervical laceration
 → Direct pressure, silver nitrate for small laceration
 → Repair with
controlled Uterine atony ... Laparoscopy and Repair Clinical ... products and contact Critical
Initial Evaluation and Management of Septic Shock - Algorithm

Landsberg Manual @LandsbergManual - https://amzn.to/3rEtbK8

#Septic #Shock #Sepsis #management
Algorithm Landsberg Manual
Rapid Response Respiratory Support and Evaluation Algorithm

Landsberg Manual @LandsbergManual - https://amzn.to/3rEtbK8

#RapidResponse #Respiratory #Evaluation #Algorithm #diagnosis #criticalcare
Algorithm Landsberg Manual
Asthma vs COPD Presentation and Diagnosis
 • Epidemiology: Age usually < 45, History (personal or family)
or family) of atopy
Pneumothorax and Chest Tube Management Algorithm
Estimate pneumothorax size
  > 3cm = Large
  < 3cm
Small Landsberg Manual
Intussusception Reduction by Milking

Demonstration of milking the intussusceptum out of the intussuscipiens.  Use gentle manual
Use gentle manual ... Intussusception #Milking #clinical
Hemoptysis - Evaluation and Management Algorithm

Landsberg Manual @LandsbergManual - https://amzn.to/3rEtbK8

#Hemoptysis #Evaluation #Management #Algorithm #diagnosis
Algorithm Landsberg Manual