51 results
Junctional Rhythms - Junctional rhythm describes an abnormal heart rhythm resulting from impulses coming from a
junction" between atria ... Junctional #Rhythms #Table ... RetrogradeP #Escape #ECGEducator
ECG Basics - Ventricular Rhythms #Cardiology #MedStudent #EKG #Ventricular #VentricularRhythms #Comparison #Table #VTach #VFib #ECGEducator
VentricularRhythms #Comparison #Table ... #VTach #VFib #ECGEducator
Atrial Flutter Types #Cardiology #MedStudent #EKG #Flutter #AtrialFlutter #Types #Table #ECGEducator
AtrialFlutter #Types #Table ... #ECGEducator
ECG Basics - Heart Blocks #Diagnosis #Cardiology #MedStudent #EKG #Basics #HeartBlock #Table #AVBlock #Mobitz #Degree #Wenckebach
Basics #HeartBlock #Table ... Degree #Wenckebach #ECGEducator
ECG Basics - Heart Blocks #Diagnosis #Cardiology #MedStudent #EKG #Basics #HeartBlock #Table #AVBlock #Mobitz #Degree #Wenckebach
Basics #HeartBlock #Table ... Degree #Wenckebach #ECGEducator
ECG Basics - Atrial Rhythms #Cardiology #MedStudent #EKG #Atrial #SVT #Comparison #Table #AFib #AFlutter #MAT #WAP
SVT #Comparison #Table ... WAP #WPW #SVT #ECGEducator
Wolff–Parkinson–White syndrome (WPW) is one of several disorders of the electrical system of the heart that
pathway between the atria ... ShortPR #Criteria #ECGEducator
If you take care of #AFib patients watch this AMAZING video captured during coronary bypass surgery.
watch this AMAZING video ... happens to the atria ... #Clinical #Video
Insulin Comparison Chart

Insulin Types - Onset (hours) - Peak Glycemic Effect (hours) - Duration (hours)
Intermediate-Acting: Degludec (Tresiba ... Insulin #Comparison #Table
This is ATRIAL FIBRILLATION. Fibrillating right atria and rapid ventricular response.
Pulmonary vein isolation was performed and
Fibrillating right atria ... AFib #Clinical #Video