80 results
FAST - Cardiac Tamponade - Torn atrial appendage.
WCUME 2017 Submission for Best POCUS - Massive hemopericardium
Cardiac Tamponade - Torn ... Hemopericardium #Hemorrhage #Torn ... #Tear #AtrialAppendage
The FAST exam from the case in this episode reveals a massive hemopericardium with tamponade. RV
Hemopericardium #Torn ... #Tear #AtrialAppendage
BOA	(born out	of asepsis)
#Management #Peds #Born #Asepsis #BOA #PEMSource #Algorithm
BOA (born out of ... Management #Peds #Born
Cutaneous Horn

Charlie Goldberg, M.D. - UCSD Catalog of Clinical Images

#Clinical #Dermatology #Cutaneous #Horn #SkinRash #Photo #UCSDH
Cutaneous Horn ... Dermatology #Cutaneous #Horn
Positive Anterior drawer test video

Test for ACL integrity. Knee at 90 degree pulling tibia forward. (+)
+) most likely torn
Acute Myocardial Infarction and ECG Geography by Tor Ercleve

#Diagnosis #ECG #EKG #Diagram #Anatomy #Lead #Geography #Localization
ECG Geography by Tor
Peripheral Nervous System Disorders

1 Anterior Horn Cell
2 Spinal Roots and Nerves 
3 Peripheral Nerve—Mono-neuropathy  
1 Anterior Horn
Seborrheic keratosis 
 - Well-circumscribed, stuck-on appearance 
 - Waxy texture 
 - Verrucous surface
yellow scale - Horn
Pediatric Primitive Reflexes - Maneuver and Ages

Palmar Grasp Reflex
 - Place your fingers into the baby's
and baby will turn ... With baby supine, turn
Vitreous Detachment on Ocular POCUS

Ocular US for vitreous detachment can be challenging. When it comes to
, make sure to turn