4 results
Progressive Massive Fibrosis on Chest X-Ray
In a construction worker presenting with shortness of breath.
Progressive Massive Fibrosis
Fibrosis on Chest ... Devpriyo Pal @drdevrad ... #Fibrosis #Chest ... CXR #silicosis #clinical ... #radiology
Progressive Massive Fibrosis aka Complicated Silicosis.
Silicosis is a fibrotic lung disease caused by inhalation of crystalline
Progressive Massive ... of progressive massive ... Devpriyo Pal @drdevrad ... #clinical #radiology ... #CXR #Chest #XRay
Wraparound LAD STEMI on EKG
47 year old with chest pain. Ectopic atrial rhythm with ST elevations.
old with chest ... The mother of all ... #STEMI #EKG #clinical ... #cardiology #electrocardiogram ... #ecg
Chest pain after AFib ablation. What’s the most likely diagnosis?


You are all correct: the patient had
Chest pain after ... You are all correct ... : the patient had ... MusaSharkawi #Clinical ... #Cardiology #EKG