95 results
Antifungal Azoles - Antibiotics Class Overview

Mechanism:  inhibit ergosterol synthesis (important component of fungal cell membranes)
Antifungal Azoles ... Review #Overview #Azoles
Syphilis Rash on Palms and Soles

#Syphilis #Rash #Palms #Soles #clinical #dermatology #skin #secondary #PhysicalExam
Rash on Palms and Soles ... #Rash #Palms #Soles
Zones of the Neck - Landmarks and Anatomic Structures

#Anatomy #Neck #Zones #III #Anatomic #Structures
Zones of the Neck ... Anatomy #Neck #Zones
Lung Ultrasound for Diagnosing Pneumonia - Scan through 6 zones (3 per side) 1. Midclavicular line
Scan through 6 zones ... Assessment #Technique #Zones
Zones of Fingertip Injuries

Zone 1: Distal phalanx preserved 
Most of nail bed intact 

Zone 2: Distal
Zones of Fingertip ... nail bed #Zones
Differential Diagnosis of Palmar and Plantar Rashes
#Diagnosis #Dermatology #Rashes #Palmar #Plantar #Palms #Soles #Differential #Causes #Table
Plantar #Palms #Soles
Erruption on Sole of Foot Associated with Secondary Syphillis.

Charlie Goldberg, M.D. - UCSD Catalog of Clinical
Dermatology #SkinRash #Soles
Janeway Lesions in Endocarditis seen on Physical Exam 

Dr Supradip Ghosh

36 year old male with history
#dermatology #soles
COVID-19 Intubations - Team Roles to Minimize Exposure

Respiratory Therapist is encouraged to stay outside the room
Intubations - Team Roles ... Intubation #Teams #Roles
Benign and Malignant Nevi

Benign Nevus 
The benign nevus, or common mole, usually appears in the first
Nevi #Melanoma #Moles