9 results
Here another patient with an azygos lobe.
The azygos vein is seen as a thick structure within
patient with an azygos ... The azygos vein ... structure within the azygos ... Radiology #CXR #Azygous
Vena azygos lobe
A common normal variant is the azygos lobe.
The azygos lobe is created when a
Vena azygos lobe ... variant is the azygos ... The azygos lobe ... laterally displaced azygos ... Radiology #CXR #Azygous
Dilation of the azygos vein is a sign of increased right atrial pressure and is usually
Dilation of the azygos ... diameter of the azygos ... difference of the azygos ... diameter of the azygos ... Radiology #CXR #CHF #Azygous
Chest X-Ray Interpretation Checklist
Outline ALL bones
Check soft tissues
Assess heart borders
Is density, behind the heart the same
window Assess azygous
Dilated Abdominal Veins and Caput Medusae - Direction of Blood Flow

Vein Milking technique can be used
obstruction above Azygos ... obstruction below Azygos
The azygoesophageal recess is the region inferior to the level of the azygos vein arch in
the level of the azygos
Chronic Occlusion of the Superior Vena Cava- On physical examination, marked venous dilatation was apparent on
arrow), and the azygos
Stage III - Alveolar edema
This stage is characterized by continued fluid leakage into the interstitium, which
arrow); prominent azygos
Supraclavicular nodes
1.Low cervical, supraclavicular and sternal notch nodes
From the lower margin of the cricoid to the
border of the azygos