367 results
Cancer screening: Do the harms outweigh the benefits? #EBM #epidemioliogy #PubilcHealth #PrimaryCare #HONC #Screening #AdverseEffects #Harms
Cancer screening ... epidemioliogy #PubilcHealth ... PrimaryCare #HONC #Screening ... FalsePositives #BMJ
Diabetic foot: Primary care assessment and monitoring #Management #PrimaryCare #Podiatry #DiabeticFoot #Diabetes #Foot #Risk #Screening #BMJ
Diabetes #Foot #Risk #Screening ... #BMJ
Managing long term side effects of chemotherapy #Management #Peds #Honc #Chemotherapy #SideEffects #Screening #Monitoring #BMJ
#SideEffects #Screening ... #Monitoring #BMJ
Thoughts of suicide - initial assessment #Diagnosis #PrimaryCare #Pysch #Suicide #Assessment #Screening #BMJ
Suicide #Assessment #Screening ... #BMJ
Faltering growth in children: summary of NICE guidance #Screening #Management #Peds #PrimaryCare #Underweight #Infants #FalteringGrowth #FailureToThrive
NICE guidance #Screening ... FailureToThrive #BMJ
Sequelae of HPV infection and preventive strategies #Pathophys #PrimaryCare #Obgyn #HPV #Pathogenesis #Screening #Prevention #BMJ
#Pathogenesis #Screening ... #Prevention #BMJ
SEAR's antibiotic challenge #PublicHealth #SEARs #AntibioticResistance #SouthEastAsiaRegion #SouthEastAsia #BMJ
antibiotic challenge #PublicHealth ... SouthEastAsia #BMJ
Past-Year Serious Mental Illness among Adults #Epidemiology #PublicHealth #SMI #SeriousMentalIllness #Gender #Ethnicity #Age #NEJM
#Epidemiology #PublicHealth
Healthcare Spending as Function of GDP EU #PublicHealth #HealthcareSpending #GDP #EU15 #BMJ
Function of GDP EU #PublicHealth ... HealthcareSpending #GDP #EU15 #BMJ
NHS in 2017: the long arm of government #PublicHealth #NHS #Funding #NHSFunding #BMJ
of government #PublicHealth ... Funding #NHSFunding #BMJ