45 results
Balloting the ETT cuff refers to exerting gentle bouncing pressure over the suprasternal notch while palpating
Balloting the ETT ... the ETT until ballottement ... Endotracheal #ETTube #Balloting
Shoulder Effusion Ballottement on Physical Examination

Shoulder effusion. You can ballot and see fluid return at posterior
Shoulder Effusion Ballottement ... Shoulder #Effusion #Ballottement
Amsterdam Wrist Rules
Rules that dictate which patients require imaging based on the likelihood of wrist fracture
supination, Painful balottement
Wolff-Parkinson White 
Preexcitation syndrome where an accessory pathway (Bundle of Kent) directly connects the atria 
and ventricles allowing
Heparin, Fondaparinux, and Novel Oral Anticoagulants - Pathophysiology

Anticoagulation with parenteral (intravenous or subcutaneous) and oral anticoagulants
antithrombin, allowing ... conformational change allowing
Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy - Right Ventricular Involvement 

In up to 1/4 of cases of stress cardiomyopathy (takotsubo),
takotsubo), apical ballooning
Hoffmann's Sign

Hoffman's sign means upper motor neuron injury.  The Hoffmann's reflex test itself involves loosely
fingernail downward, allowing
Bowel perforation on POCUS.

At beginning of clip, free air from a perforated viscous displaces liver from
air is displaced allowing
Deep T Wave Inversions - Differential
Normal variants 
  A. Juvenile T wave pattern
stress; apical ballooning
Positive Hoffmann's sign (finger flexor reflex) in a patient with Multiple Sclerosis

The Hoffmann's reflex test itself
fingernail downward, allowing