519 results
Shoulder Effusion Ballottement on Physical Examination

Shoulder effusion. You can ballot and see fluid return at posterior
Shoulder Effusion Ballottement ... Shoulder #Effusion #Ballottement
Balloting the ETT cuff refers to exerting gentle bouncing pressure over the suprasternal notch while palpating
used to adjust tube ... the ETT until ballottement ... #Endotracheal #ETTube
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) in Pregnancy
 - Pathophysiology
 - Pharmacotherapy
 - Nonpharmacological Treatment

Emory Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Treatment Emory Gastroenterology ... Pregnancy #diagnosis #gastroenterology
Amsterdam Wrist Rules
Rules that dictate which patients require imaging based on the likelihood of wrist fracture
supination, Painful balottement
Minnesota Tubes for Upper GI Bleeds
Minnesota tubes (MT) are typically placed in intubated patients with life-threatening
four-lumen gastric tube ... Sengstaken-Blakemore-tube ... #instructions #gastroenterology
Dyspepsia Evaluation Algorithm

#Dyspepsia #diagnosis #Algorithm #evaluation #gastroenterology #epigastric
Algorithm #evaluation #gastroenterology
An Algorithm for the Differential Diagnosis of Hyperammonemia

#Hyperammonemia #differential #diagnosis #causes #Algorithm #Gastroenterology
causes #Algorithm #Gastroenterology
Gastric Polyp Diagnosis and Management Algorithm

#Gastric #Polyp #Diagnosis #Management #Algorithm #gastroenterology
Management #Algorithm #gastroenterology
Heartburn / Dyspepsia Management Algorithm

#Heartburn #Dyspepsia #GERD #Management #Algorithm #gastroenterology
Management #Algorithm #gastroenterology
Jaundice Differential Diagnosis: A short guide

By Dr. Khudhur Mohammed @khudhur_moh

#jaundice #gastroenterology #algorithm #differential #diagnosis #hyperbilirubinemia #bilirubin
#jaundice #gastroenterology