105 results
Chest XRay Anatomy Labeled

#Clinical #Radiology #Anatomy #CXR #ChestXRay #Labeled
#Anatomy #CXR #ChestXRay
COVID-19 Patient Chest CT

Dr. Filippo Cademartiri @fcademartiri

#COVID19 #SARSCoV2 #CTChest #Clinical #CriticalCare #GroundGlass #CoronaVirus #CXR #ChestXRay
CoronaVirus #CXR #ChestXRay
Checking Invasive Devices Using Chest X-Rays

- Dr. Alex Psirides @psirides

#Diagnosis #Anatomy #Radiology #CriticalCare #Lines #Devices #Tubes
Tubes #Placement #ChestXRays
Differentiating Pacemaker vs ICD on Chest XRay
 - Single Chamber PPM
 - Single Chamber ICD
Pacemaker #ICD #ChestXRay
Prone Chest XRays in the setting of COVID19

Rishi Kumar, MD @rishimd

#Proned #ChestXRay #CXR #clinical #radiology #labeled
rishimd #Proned #ChestXRay
Coins on Chest XRay - Trachea vs Esophagus

Coins in the sagittal plane on X-ray are more
#Coins #ChestXRay
Lung Abscess
 • Polymicrobial 
 • Anaerobes (most common) 
 • Indolent symptoms that evolve
Clinical #CXR #ChestXRay
Radiographic patterns of pneumonia and pathogens to consider.

Cannot be entirely relied upon.  However, they can
#Radiographic #ChestXRay
There are about a dozen x-ray findings, but two of them are especially important: Loss of
Radiology #CXR #ChestXRay
Typical Characteristics of Pneumoconiosis 
Coal dust 
 • Coal miners 
 • Fluorescent lights
Pneumoconiosis #ChestXRay