4 results
Avoiding Large Blood Vessels during Paracentesis on POCUS

Once you find fluid and before you sample, u/s
UAlberta_Sono #BloodVessels
Vascular Ultrasound Prior To Paracentesis
Although the evidence is conflicting, vascular ultrasound prior to paracentesis may prevent
#paracentesis #bloodvessels
Stroke Blood Vessel Localization and corresponding territories on MRI

by Jeremy Heit, MD, PhD @JeremyHeitMDPHD

#Stroke #CVA #Localization
#Localization #BloodVessel
Stroke Territory Localization and Blood Vessel Supply
ACA (Anterior Cerebral Artery)
 - Leg weakness/numbness
MCA Superior Divison
#Cerebral #BloodVessel