41 results
Chest Pain Diagnosis and Management Algorithm
 - Hx: Pressure like CP, Radiation to arm/jaw, CAD risk
rub, Fever, ↑WBC Boerhaave's ... asthma, CF, PCP #ChestPain
Boerhaave’s syndrome - Overview

- Dr. Jonathan Carter 

#Boerhaaves #Syndrome #Diagnosis #Overview
Boerhaave’s syndrome ... Jonathan Carter #Boerhaaves
Boerhaave Syndrome 
Iatrogenic (most common)
Left Posterolateral most common

Mackler's Triad:
Lower Chest Pain
Subcutaneous Emphysema

#Boerhaave #Syndrome #Diagnosis #Signs
Boerhaave Syndrome ... Emphysema #Boerhaave
Boerhaave Syndrome on Endoscopy
Another spontaneous esophageal perforation (Boerhaave Syndrome) with gross mediastinal soiling from retching a
Boerhaave Syndrome ... esophageal perforation (Boerhaave ... DrBloodandGuts #Boerhaave
Chest Pain Differential Diagnosis and Clinical Features

#Diagnosis #ChestPain #Differential #Features #Comparison #Table
#Diagnosis #ChestPain
An Algorithm for the Evaluation of Chest Pain #Diagnosis #Management #EM #IM #Chest #Pain #ChestPain #Evaluation
#Chest #Pain #ChestPain
Chest Pain Differential Diagnosis by Organ System

- By Dr. Eric Strong @DrEricStrong 

#ChestPain #Differential #Diagnosis #Table
DrEricStrong #ChestPain
Chest Pain Differential By Symptom Characteristics
- Dr. Andrew Perry https://twitter.com/Perrycardium

#ChestPain #Differential #Symptoms #Characteristics #Diagnosis
Perrycardium #ChestPain
Emergency Department ED Chest Pain Evaluation Pathway

Dr. Reuben Strayer @ https://twitter.com/emupdates

#ChestPain #Evaluation #Algorithm #Pathway #EmergencyDepartment #Diagnosis
/emupdates #ChestPain
Typical Clinical Features of Major Causes of Acute Chest Discomfort

#ChestPain #Features #Signs #Symptoms #Comparison #Table #Characteristics
Discomfort #ChestPain