665 results
Lyme Disease with Erythema Migrans, Bell's Palsy
A 17-year-old boy from New Jersey presents with a 3-day
A 17-year-old boy ... BellsPalsy #Clinical #Photo
Acute Dacryocystitis- A 4-week-old boy was brought to the emergency department after having drainage from both
- A 4-week-old boy ... NEJM #clinical #photo
Mucocutaneous Leishmaniasis

The boy has two ulcerated chronic appearing lesions on his knee without sign of infection
Leishmaniasis The boy ... #Clinical #Photo
This chart shows the patterns of height (length) and weight for boys from 2 to 20
and weight for boys ... 2 years 95% of boys ... 20 years 95% of boys ... For example, a boy ... #GrowthCharts #Boys
Bitot's Spots- A 4-year-old boy was brought by his father to the ophthalmology clinic with a
- A 4-year-old boy ... NEJM #clinical #photo
Jones Fracture
 - More distal than your base 5MT fractures (and will also look a bit
- These bad boys
Pyloric Stenosis - Overview - Lightning Learning

Thickened pyloric muscle obstructing the passage of milk going into
More common in boys
Differentiating PAH from PVH - Echocardiography
Pulmonary Artery Hypertension (PAH):
 • RV size - Enlarged
 • LA
Interatrial septum - Bows ... Interatrial septum - Bows
Henoch Schonlein Purpura 
Typically a young boy. Often occurs following upper respiratory tract infection. A systemic
Typically a young boy
Osler's Nodes: Painful, erythematous nodules associated with bacterial endocarditis. 
Photo credit, Josh Fierer, M.D.

Charlie Goldberg, M.D.
Photo credit, Josh ... Images #Clinical #Photo