1921 results
Boyes' Test - Flexor Digitorum Superficialis Finger Examination

Evaluate the injured finger for flexion.
Inability to flex the
Boyes' Test - Flexor ... open_michigan #Boyes ... #finger #hand #PhysicalExam
Sydenham chorea in a 12 year old boy with Acute Rheumatic Fever.

#Sydenham #chorea #clinical #video #physicalexam
a 12 year old boy ... clinical #video #physicalexam
1 Minute Neuro Hand Examination - "Check your Six" Mnemonic

A simple way to test the peripheral
1) A 3 finger boy ... #Hand #finger #Physicalexam
Flexor Digitorum Profundus Test

Isolate the distal interphalangeal joint over the edge of the table and observe
to perform the Boyes ... #Finger #Hand #PhysicalExam
This chart shows the patterns of height (length) and weight for boys from 2 to 20
and weight for boys ... 2 years 95% of boys ... 20 years 95% of boys ... For example, a boy ... #GrowthCharts #Boys
Newborn Infant - Routine Examination

Birthweight, gestational age and birthweight percentile are noted.
General observation Of the baby's
In boys, the presence ... Newborn #Infant #PhysicalExam
Lincoln Sign in Aortic Regurgitation

Lincoln sign in AR, elevated foot bobs up and down with each
elevated foot bobs ... Insufficiency #PhysicalExam
Jones Fracture
 - More distal than your base 5MT fractures (and will also look a bit
- These bad boys
Pyloric Stenosis - Overview - Lightning Learning

Thickened pyloric muscle obstructing the passage of milk going into
More common in boys
Henoch Schonlein Purpura 
Typically a young boy. Often occurs following upper respiratory tract infection. A systemic
Typically a young boy