5 results
Recurrent / Breakthrough DVT During Anticoagulation

Subtherapeutic Anticoagulation
Hypercoagulable State 
 - Antithrombin deficiency 
 - Hypercoagulability ot
Recurrent / Breakthrough ... agenesis of IVC #Breakthrough
Causes of Breakthrough/Extension of Thrombosis and Management Algorithm

#Anticoagulation #Breakthrough #Thrombosis #Algorithm #Extension #VTE #DVT #Hematology #Management
Causes of Breakthrough ... Anticoagulation #Breakthrough
Managing side effects of birth control

Adverse effects associated with hormonal contraceptives (e.g. headache, breakthrough bleeding, etc)
e.g. headache, breakthrough
Fungal Biomarkers: Beta-D-Glucan and Aspergillus Galactomannan
 • Polysaccharide cell wall component of many fungi
 • Pathogens:
clinical context of breakthrough
1,3-Beta-D-Glucan and Galactomannan Testing Sensitivity Specificity and False Positives
 • Cell wall component of many fungi
clinical context of breakthrough