7213 results
Muddy Brown Granular Casts three ways - Brightfield, Darkfield, Phase Contrast.

Dr. Vipin Varghese @vipvargh

#Muddy #Brown #Granular
Muddy Brown Granular ... vipvargh #Muddy #Brown ... Granular #Casts #clinical
Examples of varying granular and granular/waxy mixed casts: 
A: coarse granular/broad-waxy (and surrounding white blood cells);
granular/muddy brown ... C and D: muddy brown ... Urine #Microscopy #Clinical
Diagnostic flowchart for diagnosis of thymoma 

Dr. Laura Brown @lauraebrown

#thymoma #diagnosis #algorithm #pathology #clinical #subtypes
Laura Brown @lauraebrown ... algorithm #pathology #clinical
Foley Catheter Balloon on Bladder Ultrasound

In the bladder we can build a snowman, and pretend that
that he is Parson Brown ... Interestingly Parson Brown ... Ultrasound #POCUS #Clinical
 - Skin-colored to brown papule or nodule 
 - Firm, indurated texture 
Skin-colored to brown ... Diagnosis #Benign #Clinical
Muddy Brown Casts in ATN
#Clinical #Path #Nephro #Urine #Microscopy #MuddyBrownCasts #ATN
Muddy Brown Casts ... in ATN #Clinical
Granular & “Muddy Brown” Casts on Urine Microscopy
A. Finely granular cast B. slightly coarser granular cast
Granular & “Muddy Brown ... (c) and muddy brown ... Urine #Microscopy #Clinical
Identification flowchart for filariae
 - Red sheath, tail has 2 nuclei connected by a thread -
Laura Brown @lauraebrown ... #differential #clinical
Lindsay's Nails (Half-and-half Nails)
Distal brown transverse band seen in kidney disease. Caused by increased pigment deposition.

Nails) Distal brown ... #PhysicalExam #Clinical
Drugs Used for the Treatment of COVID-19 Infection

** Editor Note (from ophthalmology MD input) - Hydroxychloroquine/chloroquine
in-vitro studies Brown ... highlighted circle= clinical