13 results
POCUS Pericardial Effusion with Tamponade
#Clinical	#EM #Radiology #Cardiology	#POCUS #Pericardial #Effusion #PericardialEffusion #Tamponade #SonoStuff
with Tamponade #Clinical ... #EM #Radiology ... #Cardiology #POCUS ... PericardialEffusion #Tamponade #SonoStuff
POCUS Pericardial Effusion
#Clinical	#EM #Radiology #Cardiology	#POCUS #Cardiac #Pericardial #Effusion #PericardialEffusion #Apical #Apical4Chamber #SonoStuff
Pericardial Effusion #Clinical ... #EM #Radiology ... #Cardiology #POCUS ... Apical4Chamber #SonoStuff
Knee POCUS: Synovial Hypertrophy 
#Clinical	#EM #Ortho #Radiology	#POCUS #Knee #Effusion #Synovium #Hypertrophy #SynovialHypertrophy #SonoStuff
Hypertrophy #Clinical ... #EM #Ortho #Radiology ... SynovialHypertrophy #SonoStuff
QA of the Day: Not a lava lamp, HUGE complex hydrocele
#Clinical	#EM #Radiology #Urology	#POCUS #Scrotom #ScrotalUS #Complex
complex hydrocele #Clinical ... #EM #Radiology ... Complex #Hydrocele #SonoStuff
POCUS - Dilated stomach with pulsating gastric contents (from the heart) as a result of small
obstruction #Clinical ... #EM #Radiology ... Stomach #Pulsating #SonoStuff
Mallet Finger
Absence of a fracture does NOT exclude Mallet finger, the extension function of the DIP
joint needs to be clinically ... MH/CCF/CWRU EM ... Mallet #Finger #Radiology ... #Orthopedics #MSK
A transverse still image of the upper airway taken with a high frequency, linear transducer at
#Clinical #EM #Radiology ... Cords #Transverse #SonoStuff
A transverse still image of the upper airway using the high frequency, linear transducer at the
#Clinical #EM #Radiology ... SubglotticEdema #Transverse #SonoStuff
A transverse still image of the upper airway using the high frequency, linear transducer at the
#Clinical #EM #Radiology ... Thyroid #Transverse #SonoStuff
To evaluate the hip for an effusion with POCUS begin just medial to the ASIS, in
#Clinical #Anatomy ... #EM #Radiology ... #Pyomyositis #SonoStuff