50 results
Hyperkalemia after Missed Hemodialysis - Initial electrocardiogram showed peaked T waves and a prolonged QT segment
segment (Panel A) #Clinical ... #Cardiology #EM ... Hyperkalemia #PeakedT #NEJM
Positive FAST in the RUQ view demonstrating echogenic clot in Morison’s pouch with adjacent anechoic free
free fluid (*) #Clinical ... #Diagnosis #EM ... #Trauma #Radiology ... #POCUS #FAST #FASTExam
Transducer location to evaluate the femoral vein and normal ultrasound images showing common femoral artery (A)
#Clinical #Diagnosis ... #EM #Radiology ... #Vasc #POCUS #DVT
POCUS B-Lines #Clinical #EM #PCC #Radiology #POCUS #BLines #CHF
POCUS B-Lines #Clinical ... #EM #PCC #Radiology ... #POCUS #BLines
Transducer location to evaluate the popliteal vein and normal ultrasound images showing popliteal artery (A) and
#Clinical #Diagnosis ... #EM #Radiology ... #Vasc #POCUS #DVT
Apical 4-chamber (A4) Apical 4 Chamber view demonstrating the right ventricle (RV), right atrium (RA), left
of the septum #Clinical ... #EM #Cardiology ... #POCUS #Apical
Decompression Sickness - The physical examination revealed diffuse violaceous skin mottling over his trunk and arms
#Clinical #Derm ... #EM #Radiology # ... Pneumatosis #CT #NEJM
Positive DVT study showing thrombus in the femoral vein (v), adjacent to the femoral artery (a)
#Clinical #Diagnosis ... #EM #Radiology ... #Vasc #POCUS #DVT
Close-up image of a normal early IUP showing a yolk sac within a gestational sac #Clinical
gestational sac #Clinical ... #EM #Obgyn #Radiology ... TransAbdmonial #POCUS
Proximal aorta longitudinal view demonstrating the abdominal aorta (red arrows), the celiac trunk (yellow arrow) and
#Clinical #EM #Radiology ... #Vasc #POCUS #Aorta