34 results
PocketPEM - Pediatric Arrhythmias #Management #Peds #EM #Cardiology #Arrhythmia #PocketCard #SVT #PEA #Asystole #VT #VFib #Bradycardia
PocketPEM - Pediatric ... Management #Peds #EM ... #Cardiology #Arrhythmia ... Bradycardia #PocketCard #PocketPEM
Basic ECG Rhythms #EM #IM #Cardiology #MedStudent #EKG #Basics #Rhythms #Compare #ECGEducator
Basic ECG Rhythms #EM ... #IM #Cardiology ... Rhythms #Compare #ECGEducator
Right Sided ECG Lead Placement #EM #IM #Cardiology #EKG #Lead #Placement #RightSided #LeadPlacement #ECGEducator
Lead Placement #EM ... #IM #Cardiology ... LeadPlacement #ECGEducator
PocketPEM - 3 Stages of Ventricle Reconstruction #Diagnosis #Pathophys #Peds #EM #Cardiology #Ventricle #Reconstruction #Stages #BTShunt
PocketPEM - 3 Stages ... Pathophys #Peds #EM ... #Cardiology #Ventricle ... Fontan #PocketCard #PocketPEM
Triquetral Fracture
The triquetrum is the second most commonly fractured carpal bone. Look for the "pooping duck
Triquetral Fracture ... most commonly fractured ... common carpal bone fracture ... MH/CCF/CWRU EM ... Wrist #Carpal #Radiology
Scaphoid Fractures
The scaphoid is the most commonly fractured carpal bone. Remember, if a fracture is suspected
Scaphoid Fractures ... most commonly fractured ... Remember, if a fracture ... MH/CCF/CWRU EM ... Wrist #Carpal #Radiology
Einthoven's triangle is an imaginary formation of three limb leads in a triangle used in electrocardiography,
#EM #IM #Cardiology ... Einthoven #Triangle #ECGEducator
Type 1 Second-degree AV block, also known as Mobitz I or Wenckebach periodicity, is almost always
#Clinical #EM #IM ... #Cardiology #MedStudent ... Mobitz1 #Mobitz #ECGEducator
Radial head fractures are the most common elbow fracture in adults and are
RADIAL HEAD FRACTURE ... Radial head fractures ... most common elbow fracture ... MH/CCF/CWRU EM ... #Elbow #Radiology
Typical ECG changes in acute pericarditis includes: stage 1 - diffuse, positive, ST elevations with reciprocal
inverted #Diagnosis #EM ... #IM #Cardiology ... Pericarditis #Spodick #ECGEducator