28 results
Cranial Nerve XII - Hypoglossal Nerve - Cross Sectional Nuclei Anatomy
 • Hypoglossal Nerve
 • Hypoglossal
#Hypoglossal #CNXII
Tongue Fasciculations Secondary to Hypoglossal Nerve Damage

Most commonly associated with ALS - This LMN XII was
HypoglossalNerve #CNXII
Bilateral LMN palsy with tongue weakness, wasting and fasciculations.  →  Bulbar motor Neuron disease

#hypoglossal #CNXII
Spinal Accessory Cranial Nerve - CN11 - Innervation

By @rev.med

#SAN #Spinal #Accessory #Cranial #Nerve #CN11 #Anatomy #CNXI
CN11 #Anatomy #CNXI
Cranial Nerve XI - Accessory Nerve - Cross Sectional Nuclei Anatomy
 • Accessory Nerve
 • Nucleus
#Accessory #CNXI
Right Hypoglossal Nerve Paralysis on Physical Exam

Note tongue deviation to the side of the weakness.

#Hypoglossal #Nerve
video #neurology #CNXII
In this video, you see right sided atrophy, right sided deviation, and fasiculations R>L, indicating a
hoarseness; and CNXII ... HypoglossalNerve #CNXII
Cranial Nerve 12 Dysfunction: Stroke has resulted in loss of function of left CN 12. When
Hypoglossal #UCSDH #CNXII
Tongue Fasciculations in Left Hypoglossal Nerve Palsy

- Atrophy of affected side
- Fasciculations
- Tongue deviates towards weak
#Nerve #Palsy #CNXI
Left Tongue Deviation caused by UMN XII palsy

Looks can be deceiving. The UMN innervation of most
Deviation #UMN #CNXII