111 results
Optic Ataxia on Physical Exam
Inability to reach an object via eyes while visual acuity and visual
eyes while visual acuity ... Optic #Ataxia #PhysicalExam ... #clinical #video
Tongue Myotonia on Physical Exam

Delayed muscle relaxation was seen after tongue percussion.

#Tongue #Myotonia #PhysicalExam #clinical #video
muscle relaxation was ... Tongue #Myotonia #PhysicalExam ... #clinical #video
Kussmaul Breathing Pattern

Demonstration of Kussmaul breathing pattern seen here in Diabetic Ketoacidosis.  Initial pH was
Initial pH was 6.95 ... and glucose was ... Pulmonary #Sign #PhysicalExam ... #Clinical #Video
Tongue Myotonia on Physical Exam

Delayed muscle relaxation was seen after tongue percussion.

#Tongue #Myotonia #PhysicalExam #clinical #video
muscle relaxation was ... Tongue #Myotonia #PhysicalExam ... #clinical #video
Reduction of Anterior Shoulder Dislocation

This young man presented to the ER with a Shoulder Dislocation. He
He was in so much ... arrived that he was ... Anterior #clinical #video ... #procedure #physicalexam
Bilateral Congenital Hip Dysplasia in an almost 5 year old.
This gait was called “clumsy”. For years.
This gait was called ... #orthopedics #video ... #physicalexam
Tongue Fasciculations Secondary to Hypoglossal Nerve Damage

Most commonly associated with ALS - This LMN XII was
- This LMN XII was ... Fasciculations #PhysicalExam ... #Clinical #Video
Physical Exam - Corrigan's Pulse

While the patient was sitting upright, the right carotid artery was visibly
While the patient was ... carotid artery was ... Corrigans #Pulse #PhysicalExam ... #Video #Neck #AorticRegurgitation
Afferent Pupillary Defect

An afferent pupillary defect passing through its timeline. The pupil that does not react
occurs because it was ... Defect #clinical #video ... ophthalmology #PhysicalExam
Bell's Phenomenon on Physical Exam

Carles Bell realized that when trying to close the eye on the
an observation was ... Sign #clinical #video ... #PhysicalExam #