2951 results
Hand XRay - Bone Changes Over Time

Dr. Shadowgazer @DShadowgazer

#HandXRay #Progression #Timeline #HandBones #Bony #Changes #Clinical #Peds
Hand XRay - Bone Changes ... HandBones #Bony #Changes ... Peds #Pediatrics #Radiology
COVID-19 Patterns of Lung Findings on Chest CT
1. Reverse Halo Sign
3. Crazy-Paving Pattern
4. Bilateral Peripheral
Airway Changes ( ... Pulmonary #ChestCT #radiology
Chronic Osteomyelitis on Femur X-Ray
Characteristic imaging features include
1. Sequestrum: Dead bone fragment separated from surrounding bone
due to necrotic changes ... XRay #clinical #radiology
Cervical Spine X-Ray Anatomy - Lateral
Very commonly performed but still one of the trickiest to interpret
Degenerative changes ... joints to spot any changes ... Anatomy #clinical #radiology
Progressive Massive Fibrosis aka Complicated Silicosis.
Silicosis is a fibrotic lung disease caused by inhalation of crystalline
emphysematous changes ... Silicosis #clinical #radiology
Positive Throckmorton sign in a case of chronic osteomyelitis of the left hip. X-ray findings:
1) complete
and sclerotic changes ... #Clinical #Radiology
Solitary Pulmonary Nodule
Click here for more detailed information about Solitary Pulmonary Nodule
A solitary pulmonary nodule or
except that the chance ... #Diagnosis #Radiology
A solitary pulmonary nodule (SPN) is defined as a single intraparenchymal lesion less than 3 cm
a SPN and the chance ... #EBM #Radiology
AAA is defined as a localized balloon-like dilatation of the abdominal aorta greater than 3cm. Risk
monitored for changes ... #Clinical #Radiology
Humeral Avulsion of the Inferior Glenohumeral Ligament (HAGL)
 • Imaging Findings:
 • Large defect of the
Axillary pouch changes ... mri #clinical #Radiology