20 results
Differential diagnosis of genital ulcers
Table Comparing HSV, Syphilis, Chancroid and LGV

#Diagnosis #Genital #Ulcers #Differential #Comparison #Table
HSV, Syphilis, Chancroid ... Comparison #Table #Chancroid
Genital Ulcer - Differential Algorithm
 - H. ducreyi (Chancroid)
 - HSV
 - T pallidum (Chancre)
- H. ducreyi (Chancroid
Genital ulcers

By Dr. Elise Merchant @EAMerchant via Febrile [febrilepodcast.com]

#ID  #Infectious Diseases  #Infections
#Differential #Ddx #Diagnosis
#ulcers #hsv #chancroid
Genital Skin Ulcers - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
 • Herpes simplex
 • Haemophilus ducreyi (chancroid)
 • Behcet's
Haemophilus ducreyi (chancroid
A case of chondroid syringoma. Also called eccrine mixed tumor or mixed tumor of skin. Morphologically
A case of chondroid ... @MiryAchraf #chondroid
Chancroid with Bubo on Doppler POCUS

College-age male with right groin pain/swelling.  Simple abscess? 
Right groin
Chancroid with Bubo ... Answer: Chancroid ... RJonesSonoEM #Chancroid
Genital Lesions - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
Elevated - Vesicles:
 • Herpes simplex
Elevated - Papules / Plaques -
Haemophilus ducreyi (chancroid
MIAMI Mnemonic for Differential Diagnosis of Lymphadenopathy
 - Kaposi sarcoma, leukemias, lymphomas, metastases, skin neoplasms
(Bartonella), chancroid
Intraarticular Chondroma - MSK Radiology
Imaging Findings:
 • Subtle soft-tissue infrapatellar mass seen obscuring Hoffa's fat pad.
Intraarticular Chondroma ... diagnostic clue is chondroid ... Intraarticular #Chondroma
Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) - Pathway of Flow
1) CSF is produced and secreted by the choroid plexus
secreted by the choroid ... third ventricle 3) Choroid ... fourth ventricle 5) Choroid