36 results
Plicae Circulares in Small Bowel Obstruction - Point of Care Ultrasound

Dr. J. Christian Fox @jchristianfox

#Plicae #Circulares
Plicae Circulares ... jchristianfox #Plicae #Circulares
Plicae Circulares characteristic of small bowel are most frequent & prominent in JENUNUM on POCUS

What segment
Plicae Circulares ... Resolution: plicae circulares
Parasternal Short-Axis (PSSA) view with right ventricle (RV), circular left ventricle (LV), and papillary muscles #Clinical
ventricle (RV), circular
Ileitis on POCUS
Note the thickened wall, fluid content, and lack of plicae circulares.

Dr. Meghan Herbst @EUSmkh

lack of plicae circulares
Spinal Cord Anatomy - Spinal Segment Features
 • Cervical - Large & oval in shape, slender
Thoracic - Smaller & circular
Hemiplegic Gait 

With a hemiplegic gait there is impaired natural swinging at the hip and knee
the midline in a circular
Cysticercosis - Taenia solium Life Cycle
1) Eggs or gravid proglottids in feces and passed into environment.
intestinal wall, and circulate ... intestinal wall, and circulate
Spinal Cord Anatomy
 • Cervical (8) - Large & oval in shape, slender posterior horns, broad
12) - Smaller & circular
Small Bowel Obstruction on POCUS

SBO diagnosis in minutes of patients arrival to ED, "to/fro peristalsis" (aka
machine), place circulares
Stapler Types - Common Surgical Instruments
Used for reanastomosis of viscera, vessel ligation, and excision of specimens.
Circular Cutter ... : Performs circular