466 results
Dupuytren's Contracture (Palmar Fibromatosis) on Physical Exam

#Dupuytrens #Contracture #Palmar #Fibromatosis #clinical #video #physicalexam #msk #hand #orthopedics
#Fibromatosis #clinical ... #video #physicalexam ... #msk #hand #orthopedics
The mediastinum can be divided into an anterior, middle and posterior compartment, each with it's own
anterior, middle and ... #Clinical #Radiology ... #Compartments #RadiologyAssistant
On the left three different patients with lung cysts.
From left to right: Lymphangiomyomatosis, LIP and Langerhans
Lymphangiomyomatosis, LIP and ... #Clinical #Diagnosis ... #Radiology #CTChest ... Histiocytosis #RadiologyAssistant
On the left a patient who had a CT to rule out pulmonary embolism.
There is a
a patient who had ... septal thickening and ... #Clinical #Radiology ... SeptalThickening #CHF #RadiologyAssistant
Low Attenuation pattern 
1. Lymphangiomyomatosis (LAM): uniform cysts in woman of child-bearing age; no history of
smoking; adenopathy and ... multiple round and ... #Clinical #Radiology ... Comparison #Table #RadiologyAssistant
Gout (Gouty Arthritis) - MSK Radiology
Imaging Findings:
 • Eccentric soft-tissue densities surrounding the third proximal interphalangeal
Gouty Arthritis) - MSK ... Radiology Imaging ... Therefore, the hand ... surgeon had a clinical ... #Radiology #diagnosis
Nodular pattern
1. Hypersensitivity pneumonitis: ill defined centrilobular nodules.
2. Miliary TB: random nodules
3. Sarcoidosis: nodules with perilymphatic
next to pleura and ... #Clinical #Radiology ... Comparison #Table #RadiologyAssistant
On the left we see a chest film with a typical finger-in-glove shadow.
The HRCT shows focal
the appropriate clinical ... setting (asthma and ... #Clinical #Radiology ... FingerInGlove #Sign #RadiologyAssistant
On the left another typical case of sarcoidosis.
In addition to the perilymphatic nodules, there are multiple
the upper lobes and ... #Clinical #Radiology ... Peribronchovascular #Nodular #RadiologyAssistant
Positive J-Sign - Maltracking Patella on Knee Physical Exam

The J sign correlates with poor patellar tracking
patellar tracking and ... path with flexion and ... PhysicalExam #Patella #clinical ... #video #msk #orthopedics