2471 results
The Febrile Child - some diagnostic clues to evaluating the febrile child.

#Febrile #Fever #Evaluation #Assessment #Signs
some diagnostic clues ... Signs #Symptoms #PhysicalExam
Anemias - Differential and Diagnostic Clues

Ariella Coler-Reilly @AriellaStudies

#Anemias #Differential #Diagnosis #Clues #Hematology
and Diagnostic Clues ... Differential #Diagnosis #Clues
Epidemiologic Clues to Unusual Pathogens in Pneumonia

#Diagnosis #Pneumonia #History #Pathogens #Clues #Infections #Differential #Atypical
Epidemiologic Clues ... History #Pathogens #Clues
Epidemiological Clues That May be Helpful in Defining the Etiological Diagnosis of Culture-Negative Endocarditis

#Endocarditis #Bacteria #Differential
Epidemiological Clues ... Microorganisms #Clues
Flail Chest on Physical Exam

Anterior flail chest post MVA, see seatbelt sign as another clue

Neville @docvlok

sign as another clue ... #Flail #Chest #PhysicalExam
Septic Arthritis - Pathogens and Clinical Clues

Staphylococcus aureus 
Streptococcal spp. 
Neisseria gonorrhoeae 
Gram-negative bacteria 
Pathogens and Clinical Clues
Reduction of Posterior Elbow Dislocation

#Elbow #Dislocation #Reduction #Posterior #clinical #video #msk #sports #orthopedics #physicalexam
clinical #video #msk ... #orthopedics #physicalexam
Clarke's Test (Patellar Grind Test)

Indicates Patellofemoral dysfunction.
 - Patient with knee in extension. Push posterior on
of patella then ask ... clinical #video #physicalexam ... Patellofemoral #msk
Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury seen with positive Anterior Drawer Test

#Anterior #Cruciate #Ligament #ACL #Injury #Drawer #Test
#Drawer #Test #physicalexam ... clinical #video #msk
Winged Scapula on Physical Exam

Caused by injury to the long thoracic nerve

#Winged #Scapula #PhysicalExam #clinical #video
Winged #Scapula #PhysicalExam ... video #neurology #msk