2753 results
Coins on Chest XRay - Trachea vs Esophagus

Coins in the sagittal plane on X-ray are more
Coins on Chest XRay ... vs Esophagus Coins ... #Coins #ChestXRay
Stomatocyte - The appearance of stomatocytes with their oval or rectangular central pallor has been compared
fish mouth, and a coin ... Stomatocytes are associated
Bilateral Patellar Clonus on Physical Exam
Clonus Associated w/Tropical Spastic Paraparesis. 

#Knee #Patellar #Clonus #PhysicalExam #Clinical
Exam Clonus Associated ... PhysicalExam #Clinical #Video
#Locomotor #brachialis #sign associated with severe #atherosclerosis

#PhysicalExam #clinical #video #cardiology #artery
brachialis #sign associated ... PhysicalExam #clinical #video
Canon A waves on Physical Examination

Associated with complete heart block. Notice the relatively slow HR. Echocardiography
Examination Associated ... Waves #Clinical #video
Kussmaul Breathing Pattern

Demonstration of Kussmaul breathing pattern seen here in Diabetic Ketoacidosis.  Initial pH was
pattern often associated ... PhysicalExam #Clinical #Video
Tongue Fasciculations Secondary to Hypoglossal Nerve Damage

Most commonly associated with ALS - This LMN XII was
Most commonly associated ... PhysicalExam #Clinical #Video
CAPD-associated peritonitis (Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis) - 5 Things To Know
Diagnosis (Two of the following):
(1) Clinical
CAPD-associated ... positive (60% CONS ... WuidQ #CAPD #associated
Kussmaul's sign - JVP

This patient has Kussmaul's sign, an increase in apparent JVP/CVP with inspiration. While
While classically associated ... #PhysicalExam #Video
ABG vs VBG: Arterial vs Venous Blood Gases

PROS: Tells you exactly what the arterial environment looks