3095 results
Intraosseous (EZ-IO) Access in the Humeral Head of an adult

Rule of 45s:
- 45mm needle
- 45° angle
- Less pain in conscious
Paradoxical Breathing in Flail Chest

Video via Dr. Carlos Romero

#Flail #Chest #Paradoxical #Breathing #Pulmonary #Respiratory #clinical #video
Flail Chest Video ... Paradoxical #Breathing #Pulmonary ... Respiratory #clinical #video
Fingernail Clubbing on Physical Exam

#Fingernail #Clubbing #PhysicalExam #clinical #video #pulmonary #nail
PhysicalExam #clinical #video ... #pulmonary #nail
Anthracosis on Bronchoscopy


#Anthracosis #Bronchoscopy #clinical #bronchoscopy #pulmonary #video
#bronchoscopy #pulmonary ... #video
Intact Corneomandibular (Wartenberg) Reflex

Patient with pontine hemorrhage without impaired consciousness - Left corneal stimulation triggers contralateral
the patient was conscious ... clinical #Neurology #Video
A serious case of Flail chest. This is a medical emergency!

Medical Talk @TheMedicalTalk

#Flail #Chest #Breathing #Pattern
Pattern #Trauma #Video ... #PhysicalExam #Pulmonary
Intraoperative Cardiac Ischaemia - Guidelines for Crises in Anaesthesia

If the patient is unconscious, signs of cardiac
the patient is unconscious ... the patient is conscious
Paradoxical Respirations in Acute Respiratory Failure on Physical Exam

- Dr. Roberto Cosentini @rob_cosentini

#Paradoxical #Respirations #Breathing #Respiratory
PhysicalExam #clinical #video ... #Pulmonary
Flail Chest with paradoxical movement on Physical Exam

Surgical Teaching @Surgicalteach

#Flail #Chest #PhysicalExam #clinical #video #trauma #pulmonary
PhysicalExam #clinical #video ... #trauma #pulmonary
Chest Needle Decompression of Tension Pneumothorax

#Chest #Needle #Decompression #Tension #Pneumothorax #clinical #video #trauma #pulmonary
Pneumothorax #clinical #video ... #trauma #pulmonary