653 results
Schematic examples of the cause of acute mitral regurgitation. 
LV, left ventricle; PM, papillary mucle; SAM,
/heart.bmj.com/content ... #Differential #Cardiology
Lateral Canthotomy / Cantholysis - Procedure Instructions

The orbit is a relatively closed compartment and an acute
haemorrhage in the context ... Retrobulbar #Hemorrhage #Ophthalmology
Hernia of the Superior Lumbar Triangle

"Grynfeltt-Lesshaft hernia" is a herniation of abdominal contents through the back,
herniation of abdominal contents ... clinical #video #physicalexam
Post Traumatic Iridodonesis 

Dr. João Victor Negrão - https://www.instagram.com/joaovrtn/

#Iris #Iridodonesis #Clinical #Video #Ophthalmology #Traumatic #Eye #PhysicalExam
Clinical #Video #Ophthalmology ... Traumatic #Eye #PhysicalExam
Here’s a basic Diastology primer sheet I made before @sinaiemus echo session based on podcasts by
asecho.org/wordpress/wp-content ... #Diagnosis #Cardiology
Papilledema - Fundoscopy Ocular Examination

Dr. Sebastian Vega @oftalmopo

#Papilledema #Ocular #PhysicalExam #clinical #video #ophthalmology #Fundoscopy
Papilledema #Ocular #PhysicalExam ... clinical #video #ophthalmology
Wolff-Parkinson White 
Preexcitation syndrome where an accessory pathway (Bundle of Kent) directly connects the atria 
Kent) directly connects ... WolffParkinsonWhite #WPW #Cardiology
Hemorrhagic Papilledema - Fundoscopy Ocular Examination

Dr. Sebastian Vega @oftalmopo

#Hemorrhagic #Papilledema #Retina #Ocular #PhysicalExam #clinical #video #ophthalmology
Retina #Ocular #PhysicalExam ... clinical #video #ophthalmology
Leukocoria on Ocular Examination

#Leukocoria #Ocular #PhysicalExam #clinical #video #ophthalmology #retinoblastoma #pediatrics
Leukocoria #Ocular #PhysicalExam ... clinical #video #ophthalmology
Macular Hole  - Slit Lamp Ocular Examination

Dr. Sebastian Vega @oftalmopo

#Macular #Hole #Retina #Ocular #PhysicalExam #clinical
Retina #Ocular #PhysicalExam ... clinical #video #ophthalmology