58 results
Differential Diagnosis of Abnormal Globe Contour

By Dr. Harun Yildiz @drharunyildiz

#Globe #Contour #Differential #Diagnosis #Abnormal #Radiology #MRI
Abnormal Globe Contour ... drharunyildiz #Globe #Contour
On a chest film only the outer contours of the heart are seen.
In many cases we
only the outer contours ... the upper heart contour ... upper posterior contour ... the right heart contour ... lower posterior contour
Left Atrium
 - The upper posterior border of the heart is formed by the left atrium.
upper posterior contour ... will displace the contour
Kidney Biopsy - Diagnosis Algorithms
1) Normal Glomerulus by LM
2) Glomerular Crescents
3) Double Contours of GBM
4) Endocapillary
Crescents 3) Double Contours
Jugular Venous Pulse - POLICE Mnemonic - How to tell JVP from carotid pulse
P - Palpation:
inspiration C - Contour
Hip X-ray anatomy - Normal AP
- Shenton's line is formed by the medial edge of the
ramus - Loss of contour
Breast Cancer - Visible Signs on Physical Examination:

Retraction, Abnormal Contours, Skin Dimpling, Nipple Retraction, Edema, Paget's
Retraction, Abnormal Contours
Chest X-Ray Interpretation Checklist
Outline ALL bones
Check soft tissues
Assess heart borders
Is density, behind the heart the same
Assess azygous contour
External hordeolum with visible purulence and the normal contour of the eyelid is disrupted. (Courtesy of
and the normal contour
Metatarsal Gout on POCUS

Painful and swollen 1st metatarsal. Double contour sign. Diagnosis? Gout. 

Global Ultrasound Institute
Double contour sign