682 results
Convergence Retraction Nystagmus with a left 6th nerve palsy

Caused by a Midbrain hemorrhage

Dr. Boby Varkey Maramattom
Convergence Retraction ... @bobvarkey #Convergence
Borrelia recurrentis Infection - Spirochetes were visible (arrows), a finding that suggested louseborne relapsing fever #Clinical
fever #Clinical #Pathology ... Smear #Microscopy #NEJM
Pathologic Red Blood Cell (RBC) Morphologies and Associated Diseases

Acanthocyte (spur cell),  
Basophilic stippling, 
Bite cell,
Pathologic Red Blood ... Atlas #Microscopy #Pathology ... Robbins & Cotran Pathologic
Hyperopia: Pathogenesis and clinical findings
 • Axial length of eye -> Short axial length of the
Decreased light convergence ... rays require less convergence ... rays require more convergence
Excoriated papules with honey-colored crusting were present on the abdomen, back (Panel A), arms, and legs.
Clinical #Derm #Pathology ... Microscopy #Rash #NEJM
Parinaud's Syndrome
 - Impaired upgaze
 - Light-near dissociation
 - Convergence retraction nystagmus
 - Eyelid retraction (Collier's
dissociation - Convergence
African Trypanosomiasis - The examination was notable for the two erythematous lesions, each measuring 3 to
Clinical #Derm #Pathology ... TrypanosomaBrucei #NEJM
Parinaud's syndrome
 • Light-near dissociation (tectal pupils)
 • Convergence retraction nystagmus
 • Eyelid retraction (Collier's sign)
tectal pupils) • Convergence
Goal-Directed Therapy - Evidence Summary of Major Clinical Trials

 - EGDT: NEJM 2001

Trials - EGDT: NEJM ... - ProCESS: NEJM ... 2014 - ARISE: NEJM ... - ProMlSe: NEJM
Sweat gland tumors - Pathology

Made with lots of help from @JMGardnerMD's paper on adnexal tumors for
gland tumors - Pathology ... gland #tumors #Pathology