167 results
Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) with Shunting on Echocardiogram with Contrast (a4c)

An elderly patient with dyspnea -
Defect (ASD) with Shunting ... pocus #bubble #Shunting
Double Counting on Cardiac Monitoring
The “double counting” heart rate phenomenon. T waves are so prominent the
Double Counting ... Monitoring The “double counting ... EM_RESUS #Double #Counting
PFO with shunting on Contrast Echocardiogram (a4c) 
74 yo presents with CVA. RoPE score of 4.
PFO with shunting ... DrShemisa #PFO #shunting
ROTH Score to Assess O2 Sat for Telemedicine

Have pt take deep breath in & count out
Air) Maximal Counting ... < 7 OR Counting
Hepatopulmonary Syndrome on Echocardiogram (A4C)
Hepatopulmonary Syndrome: Intrapulmonary shunting is most commonly demonstrated by contrast TTE when
Intrapulmonary shunting ... #A4C #bubble #shunting
Hypoxemia Differential Diagnosis Algorithm by A-a Gradient

Normal A-a Gradient:
 • ↓ Atmospheric pressure
 • Hypoventilation: CNS
↓Ventilation (↑Shunting
ASD on Bubble Contrast Echocardiogram (a4c)
A patient with an anterior STEMI (take a look at the
cardiology #pocus #shunting
Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) - Differential Diagnosis Framework

PRE-Renal AKI:
 • Hypovolemia
 • Congestion
 • Medications
Medications • Shunting
Syncope in 3 Steps
1. Consider the 3 "S" Mimics: Seizure, low Sugar, Stroke (TIA)
2. Heart vs
like Gl loss, shunting
Bronchiolitis Management

When to admit: 
- Any history of apnoea 
- Persistant sats < 92% 
- Inadequate
respiratory distress - Grunting