2279 results
Double Counting on Cardiac Monitoring
The “double counting” heart rate phenomenon. T waves are so prominent the
Double Counting ... Monitoring The “double counting ... EM_RESUS #Double #Counting
Positive Lachman test in ACL Injury

Here is an exam of a patient under anesthesia with an
during running and cutting ... #PhysicalExam #Sports
Femoral DVT on POCUS

That crazy moment when you're putting in a femoral arterial line in a
this massive DVT bouncing ... POCUS #Clinical #Ultrasound
ROTH Score to Assess O2 Sat for Telemedicine

Have pt take deep breath in & count out
Air) Maximal Counting ... < 7 OR Counting
Rounding checklist for COVID19 patients 

Rounding checklist for my COVID19 patients so we don't miss stuff.
Rounding checklist ... COVID19 patients Rounding ... @virenkaul #Rounding
Parasternal Short axis, fan proximal and look for Aortic Valve in a plane shows all three
Parasternal Short ... three leaflets coining
Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) with Shunting on Echocardiogram with Contrast (a4c)

An elderly patient with dyspnea -
Defect (ASD) with Shunting ... pocus #bubble #Shunting
PFO with shunting on Contrast Echocardiogram (a4c) 
74 yo presents with CVA. RoPE score of 4.
PFO with shunting ... DrShemisa #PFO #shunting
Common Bile Duct Stone on POCUS

Here’s a similar case in a 70yo F with a remote
stone seen just bouncing ... POCUS #clinical #ultrasound
Lung Herniation with Coughing

Dr. Gopalan Rajesh @DrRajeshG1

#Lung #Herniation #Hernia #Sibsons #Cough #clinical #video #thoracic #physicalexam #pulmonary
Herniation with Coughing